Stepwell: Place-based Study Travels & Curated Journeys

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Enquiring Minds and Unique places. Primary Geographer Article Spring 2014

Enquiry and geographical questioning are the methodologies that we most use and encourage here during our CPD activities and study visits. The methodology is wonderful for understanding change and development in rural and urban settlement studies, for development of thinking skills, for enabling knowledge and understanding of another place, and for developing contrasting locality studies.

We encourage the use of enquiry not only during experiences and field work activities during our activities, but also as teaching resources for use with photographs, film clips, artefacts, and sound files.

Please find the link below to an excellent article on the use of enquiry which was featured in the spring 2014 edition of the Primary Geographer, co-Authored by Ruth Potts and Helen Martin.

Ruth Potts visited us during a study visit in 2012 which was co-ordinated by the Geographical Society. Helen Martin. Helen is chair of the early years and primary committee of the Geographical Society, and is one of our leaders.