mural Projects

  • Shaman for Labyrinth Studio, Bengaluru

    This mosaic mural was made in the traditional Italian style using Venitian smalti glass chips.

  • Tree of life for Mallya Aditi, Yelahanka

    Square glass chips, in 72 shades were used to create this mural for a school on the outskirts of Bengaluru.

  • Sunset for 'The Land' Studio

    Glass tile chips, cut and laid to create organic patterns are the materials from which this mosaic which is on the wall of our studio at the our studio in Silvepura

  • Lakshmi for Community centre Surat

    This mural using glass and metal depicts the goddess of luck and wealth for a Gujarati community centre in Surat.

  • Don Bosco Orphanage Basavangudi

    We recycled waste cuttings of ceramic wall tiles to create this mosaic for the chapel of the an orphanage that takes in street children from Bengaluru

  • Pallottine Centre Mysore

    We modled these tiles in low relief and then glazed them in our woodfired kiln before installing them in the chapel of an educational institution run by the Pallotine fathers.

  • Garden of Stories national centre

    a combination of recycled broken tiles and hand moddled glazed ceramic tiles were used to create a series of out dorr murals in a garden inspired by tribal creation myths

  • The history of Bengaluru.

    We used maps and imprinted signage using linoleum stencils to create this mural for a a clubjouse nerar Bengaluru’s new airport.

  • Salvatorian Chapel

    We installed the woodfired glazed ceramic tiles on a 3 dimensional welded steel structure. We also designed the altar, tabernacle and lectern for this chapel.

  • Terracotta foliage

    This mural was created out of low-relief hand moulded panels which fitted together like a jigsaw.