Precautionary measures to be understood and followed by all visitors.
All participants must provide Stepwell with this completed medical and consent form. A copy must be kept by the participant and one sent to us in advance of your time in India.
Participants must read and understand all that is contained in the preparation material provided containing kit lists and travel advice and medical information, in order that they bring necessary equipment for the visit and are practically and mentally prepared for the visit.
Participants must have obtained and maintained relevant and appropriate comprehensive travel insurance policies for the duration of the visit in relation to travel in south India.
All participants must make themselves aware of contact numbers for use in emergency, and keep a copy of Stepwell’s contact details with them at all times.
Participants must inform your group leader and/ or Stepwell of any changes to your medical form, and of medication you are taking if it are likely to affect your behaviour or a risk to others.
Participants must inform your group leader and/ or Stepwell of any illness that occurs during your stay in India.
If participants have been advised to take medication either routinely whilst in their home country or because of the visit abroad, they must follow this advice and continue any advised medication whilst travelling. Participants must carry any necessary medicines with them, and must take responsibility for ensuring that a second participant carries a second set with instructions as per advice given from the doctors. Participants must give details of the name of the chosen supporting participant to their group leader/ Stepwell.
In the case that the participant has allergies the participants themselves must take primary responsibility for checking that the food/catering does not contain nuts/ their particular allergen, with the support of Stepwell’s facilitators. Participants must carry any necessary medicines with them for use in the event of exposure, and must take responsibility for ensuring that a second participant carries a second set with instructions as per advice given from the doctors. Participants must give details of the name of the chosen supporting participant to their group leader/ stepwell.
Please attend a brief health and safety tour on arrival and then sign our health and safety acknowledgement form to show that you have understood all the evacuation and first aid procedures and the health and safety policy of the organisation.
Please do not leave the accommodation grounds unless in a group of three having informed us of where you are going.
Please do not leave the group when on day trips unless it has been agreed with the group and leaders.
All equipment and machinery at all stages of the trip must only be used when given permission. All machinery will be operated by staff. Kiln fires and fires for bonfires must not be attended or touched by visitors. Please keep a safe distance from these fires.
Please watch your footing on all pathways, running is discouraged to avoid injury.
All participants must be able to swim and must be responsibly behaved and adhere to all advice whilst boating, wearing any life jackets provided.
In the event of car or bus failure you must stay with the group. A mobile phone will be in constant availability for calling taxis for further transport.
Participants must not leave the group unless specifically arranged. If splitting of the group is arranged participants must keep in groups of no less than three persons. This applies for when travelling as a group in a convoy of cars.
Participants must keep to the arranged meeting points.
Participants must ensure that all valuables are minimised and that personal possessions remain in a closed secure bag about their person. Ensure that you have a lock on your travel cases for the safety of your personal possessions whilst travelling and on site.
Participants must listen to any safety talks given before any day trips out.
Participants need to be aware of the needs of the environment and be responsible for application of insect repellent and staying hydrated by drinking water regularly.
Participants must avoid drinking any water that has not been boiled/filtered. Bottled water to be either purchased or taken with them.
Participants must not take alcohol or drugs during the duration of the visit if you are under 18; If you are over 18 you are advised to only drink alcohol in moderation and you are responsible for your own alcohol intake;
Participants must be sensitive to local culture and tradition by wearing loose clothing that covers shoulders and legs and when inside temples or places of worship keeping voices low, and behaving in a responsible manner during all cultural visits.