I would recommend this visit to all schools wishing to develop their understanding of a different culture.  What a life-changing experience it was! We all came back inspired and with a much greater understanding of the issues which affect the lives of the people in the rural and urban communities in southern India. The week was packed with a whole range of activities including: visits to schools, temples and markets; studies of village and urban life; a variety of cultural workshops in art, dance and music. The staff were extremely knowledgeable and were able to answer any questions put to them. The whole experience can be used in so many ways within the school curriculum.
— Headteacher of Wells Cathedral Junior School.

I found the school visits absolutely fascinating. They left me wrestling with the question of how to teach effectively, stimulatingly and humanely with few resources and huge numbers of kids! I have hardly stopped talking about the visits to colleagues.
— LEA advisor for Geography, Sunderland.

It was the best trip of my life. I know we all feel privileged to have experienced Indian life and culture with such depth and in so short a space of time. The hospitality was second to none.
— Head of RE, St Dunstans Secondary School, Glastonbury.

The aim of the trip for me was to be able to return to England with sufficient knowledge and resources to teach my children about life in India; the similarities and differences to the life they are used to in England. The trip more than fulfilled this! I have a wealth of knowledge, more photographs than I know what to do with and wonderful resources that will complement my teaching and enhance the children’s learning about India.
— Laura Sutton, Islington Primary School.

This was an unusual visit in that the accommodation was in a simple, delightful residential centre – The Land - rather than a hotel.  This group certainly felt that this base, located in a semi-rural area outside Bangalore added to the ‘authentic’ nature of the experience. We particularly loved the fabulous South Indian vegetarian meals cooked for us!  Stepwell is extremely well set up for study visits and has excellent experience of devising programmes that meet the needs of groups.  Our hosts were extremely well-informed, both about India and also the UK education system (one of them having been a UK science teacher).  Stepwell will send a useful array of preparation material, including a kit list and an introduction to staying in South India to any future TIPD groups.
— TIPD. Bath and North East Somerset LEA.